Friday, June 29, 2007

Our Final Days in the Holy Land

Well, it has been nearly two months since our last posting. It was a whirlwind final two weeks of June as we packed up and headed back to America. Here are some snap shots from our final days in the Holy Land.

This is the corner of Derech Hebron and David Remez - our house was around the corner.

The Friday before we left the country we took our final walk to the Old City. Liz captured a "taste" of the local tradition to sell gummies and other candies in the open in the markets.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Farewell BBQ - #3 if you are still counting

Well, this was it. The final party before we leave for America. It was an amazing party. So great we ran out of food! We had over 50 of our nearest and dearest friends come to wish us well. It was a truly meaningful evening with some sad goodbyes. We will miss our life and our friends in Israel intensely. We only hope that we can hold onto most of what we learned about ourselves and about life and bring it back to America with us. Thanks to all those amazing friends who welcomed us into their lives and communities over these last two years. We will miss all of you. Come visit us in NYC.

(Left Photo) Liz with our friends Eduardo and Dani.

Liz with Gadi and Andrea - it was a veritable Muehlstein reunion in Jerusalem. (Right Photo)

Shlomo, Leon and Paul - the meeting of the Rabbis.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Final Dinner with Friends

Our dear friends Abe and LeAnne and their daughters Ella and Marion took us out for a fabulous farewell dinner at this little French restaurant hidden in the Shuk (market). We ate really well there.

Here we are toasting our year together with this fruity slushy drink thing that they served us at the beginning of the meal.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


So the movers descended on our home today. Here's a shot of the packing before the
movers arrived. We had so much more stuff than we thought we did! Oy!

Monday, June 11, 2007

BBQ #2 - this time it really happened

So our second BBQ finally took place. This was an evening filled with new and old friends as well as with music. Our old friends Ari and Sharon joined us all the way from NYC while Marion brought her cello and agreed to play some music that she has been working on for the last couple of months.

Marion plays the cello.

David and Emma Starr hang out with Saul near the grill.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Last Weekend Away

So Team Liz has had our final weekend of travel around Israel. Looks like we will be bound to Jerusalem for the next three weeks to pack and close-up our lives here. But this past weekend we rented a car and visited a highly recommended moshav (organized community - like a kibbutz but different), up in the Northern part of Israel, called Amirim.

We relaxed by the pool, got massages, and even did some yoga. Then we visited Liz's cousins and spent the night with other friends in a small town called Pardes Hanna.

Saul teaches our friend's son, Ariel Ben Tal, how to to play some guitar.

It continues to amaze us that two years of living here are almost over. We are sad to leave but of course we are also eager to return to our family and friends in America.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Mandel Jerusalem Fellow Graduation

On June 5th, 2007 Saul officially graduated from his two year fellowship with The Mandel Jerusalem Fellows. The highlight of the evening's festivities was Saul's graduation speech.

Saul spoke beautifully and ALL in Hebrew. He was also the best dressed guy there, if I do say so myself! The graduation was held at The Bible Lands Museum which is a section of the Israel Museum.

The two of us in the Museum before the ceremony.

Saul, Ruti and Leon celebrate graduating.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

(almost) BBQ #2

Sadly, due to illness the official BBQ #2 had to be canceled. Don't fret we found another date to eat, drink and be merry. Check-out our blog entry from June 11th!